As someone who engages in hundreds of calls each month, I can’t help but feel frustrated by the lack of effort some individuals put into researching before a sales call. Lately, I’ve been encountering more instances where the person on the other end of the line hasn’t bothered to invest any time in learning about my background or our companies. In today’s hyper-connected world, information is just a few clicks away. So, I wonder, how difficult can it be for someone to spend a few minutes understanding who they are speaking with and what our company offers?

Researching before a sales call is more than just a courtesy; it is a fundamental aspect of building rapport and creating a foundation for a mutually beneficial business relationship. When the other party takes the time to understand my background and our company’s offerings, it demonstrates a genuine interest in what we do. It opens the door for a more meaningful conversation, where we can address specific pain points, explore potential synergies, and find ways to add value to each other’s businesses. Sales calls should be a collaborative exchange of ideas, a chance to explore possibilities, and an opportunity to establish a foundation of trust. However, without proper research, it becomes an uphill battle.

To all those who engage in sales conversations (and it doesn’t just apply to sales!), I implore you to take the time to research. It doesn’t require much effort, but it speaks volumes about your professionalism, respect, and commitment to building a meaningful business relationship. Invest a few minutes to understand who you’re speaking with, their background, and what their company brings to the table. It will make a world of difference in the quality of the conversation and set the stage for a more productive and mutually beneficial partnership.

Let’s bring back the art of research before a sales call. Let’s prioritize preparation, demonstrate genuine interest, and show our commitment to forging meaningful connections. By doing so, we can elevate the sales experience and create a more productive and successful environment for all parties involved.