1. Do a test run with your computer

You can just familiarize yourself with the call platform you will be using (Zoom, Skype, Teams). Once you are comfortable with the platform, it’s a good idea to check your audio, video, and internet to ensure everything is working correctly. Also, ensure you have enough lighting so the interviewer can see you clearly.

2. Sit up and dress properly

Even though you’re not meeting your interviewer in person, dress for success and sit up straight. First impressions matter and your appearance can make or break yours.

3. Research the company and ask questions.

Prepare by doing some research on the company and industry. Aside from the usual query on salary and benefits, ask questions that show you would be an engaged and valuable team member, ready to get to work as soon as you are hired.

4. Look Your Interviewer in the “Eye”

Even in online meetings, eye contact is important. Instead of looking at the person on the screen, look directly into the webcam and stay engaged. Looking at the screen makes you look like you are looking down.

5. Use engaged body language

Similar to the power poses, using engaged body language during the interview is going to help you answer with confidence and energy. Even if the call is just over the phone, the right posture will help you sound more friendly, open, and sure of yourself.

Author:  Laura Lirette