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UP! Session 8

Marie Drew, – Director Sales and Marketing, Consultmefirst
Garth Moore, – Founder, Richmond Search Group

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or in a business development role, your success depends on your ability to attract, retain and grow your client base. Developing and sharpening your sales skills is an ongoing and evolving process.

Up! Is a series of practical and candid sales talks by experts in the trenches.

All businesses want more revenues and one of the best ways to get that is through more sales. Held monthly at The Centennial Building in Whitby, nine speakers will share their stories about success in selling and buying.

“The number one challenge our businesses and clients face is with sales and this is why we wanted to be able to offer this kind of series for entrepreneurs and businesses in the Durham Region”, says Teresa Shaver, Executive Director of the Business Advisory Centre Durham Inc. (BACD).

Frank Auddino from Vitaliz Inc, a successful entrepreneur and angel investor, mined his network for the best experts in sales and buying and we are excited to bring this to Durham.

The event will also be live streamed and available through YouTube and Podcasts.

These events are free and held in partnership with Frank Auddino of Vitaliz Inc; The Town of Whitby and Jeffery Potvin of OPN.Ninja

To Register for any of the sessions (all free!) please do so through

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