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Pitchit York! Session 4

Open People Network hosted its 4th #PitchItYork session on February 13th, 2018. Over 40 people came out to support and discover 3 amazing startups.

What is OPN PitchIt?

Launched in Toronto in October 2016, three-to-five startup companies are hand-picked to pitch their product or service to a live audience, and receive real-time (and post-event) feedback from our select judging panel. “PitchIt” offers high-quality networking and pitches in an intimate and supportive environment. All events are stored on YouTube for public review, post-event critique and review.

Who attends PitchIt?

Attendees include: angel investors; tech-industry enthusiasts; local community members; and students. PitchIt is FREE to the public.

Sign up here: https://openpeoplenetwork.com/pitchit-to/

PitchIt is hosted by Open People Network founder Jeffery Potvin – a serial entrepreneur; angel investor; Seneca College instructor; and public speaker. The PitchIt community is ~ 3,000 members strong and growing quickly.

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