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PitchIt e2e

PitchIt E2E is open to all startups at any stage looking to practice their pitch and get help from the OPN community! This virtual event provides a comfortable space for entrepreneurs to gain practical experience with their 2-minute pitch pitch in front of OPN Partners, Investors and Entrepreneurs. As an attendee, you will have the opportunity to engage with the startups via a live Chat!

Not ready to pitch? Grab a spot and Watch! Check out the global startup ecosystem’s emerging talent!

Where: Online – ZOOM!

When: Sep 07, 2023 @ 2pm EST

Cost: Free

How to Participate


Join the OPN Community with startups around the globe and Pitch your business to OPN Partners, Entrepreneurs and Investors.


Format and Suggestions for the 2 minute Video
1. We recommend you use a pitch deck and include the person(s) pitching
2. Make sure you have high quality sound
3. For the content we recommend you include;

a. What is your Problem & Solution
b. Team and highlights
c. Raising? How much & terms
d. You can have more asks outside $$ (ie. intro to X, help with Y)

4. Submit your video HERE (Remember it must be no longer than 2 minutes)
5. You will receive a calendar invite as confirmation of your participation
6. We will ask you share your participation through your network.
7. Cost $0

The Pitches

Applications to pitch for upcoming shows are now open!

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